Welcome to SEDGWICK COUNTY, Colorado


The Sedgwick County Assessor and County Treasurer Offices make every effort to produce and publish the most accurate information possible.  No warranties, expressed or implied, are provided for the data herein.  Sedgwick County, CO accepts no responsibility for the inappropriate use or the interpretation of said data.  By proceeding with a property search you acknowledge that this notice has been read and that you understand and agree with its content.

Contact Information Admin Login
Supervisor of Assessments Office County Assessor's Office County Treasurer's Office
Eva Contreras Lori L Ehmke
315 Cedar St Suite 200 315 Cedar St., Suite 210
Julesburg, CO 80737 Julesburg, CO 80737
970-474-2531 970-474-3473
assessor@sedgwickcountygov.net sctreas@sedgwickcountygov.net